20 Nov Behind Inked Out Kicks | Streets of Toronto
I believe that we are all born into this world because there is a message that needs to be shared solely by you and you only. For Daniel Mossayebi, the founder of Inked Out Kicks he leaves no room to question the influence and impact he manifests for his audience and as for a new onlooker, it will no doubt stick with you like chewing gum under your kicks.
Daniel Moosayebi’s family of 5 migrated to Canada from Iran in the early 90s at a time where a war was ignited. Even though this was a tough time to depart, Daniel’s parents had a dream to provide a better future for his older sisters and himself even if it left little time for leisure.
In Moosayebi’s adolescent years, he spent a lot of his time after school in Scarborough with a young boy due to his mother’s commitment to work. However, this new routine and non scholastic adventures came to a heartbreaking halt at around the age of 6 years old when the boy passed away in a car accident. You could imagine how it was quite a confusing time for Moosayebi at such a young age as it’s difficult to comprehend the concept of death. To keep him distracted, Daniel’s mother placed him in arts programs to keep the thought of “where did my friend go” distant.
Over the years, art has hosted an intervention for Daniel in more ways than just this one traumatic experience. In between moving into different areas such as Richmond Hill for high school and almost losing his own life at one point, it became more clear that it was time to formally introduce himself to what would be considered his fate.
The first duo pair of kicks Moosayebi personalized was Air Force One’s and Chuck Taylor’s in white, which he stated makes the perfect canvas for an artist. Since Daniel did have this type of experience for years before Inked Out Kicks, it was not difficult to gain trust with clients due to his attention to detail, treating each shoe as his own, and placing quality above everything. Daniel did note there has been many times where he had to re-start even if it was close to the end which features heavily in his advice to young artists and entrepreneurs. “From the beginning you are going to have trials and errors, and a lot of self doubt,” Moosayebi continued. “I used to make music and one of my main flaws was never completing a project and when I was halfway done I would jump into other things. Keep creating content and even if you tell yourself it’s not satisfactory; that’s how you never complete anything and the world won’t be able to see the work you create.”
Make sure you follow Daniel Moosayebi and Inked Out Kicks on their social media platforms as they have some great projects in the works that you will not want to miss.